Sabine Seddon
Sabine Seddon
Couples Counselling, Psychotherapy, Supervision and Training
Online Counselling
Online Counselling
It may not feasible for you to attend counselling/therapy sessions either due to time commitments, the therapy room not being suited to you needs, you not feeling able to leave your home or because you find the experience of being in a room with a therapist too intense.
You may chose to start on-line/ and eventually move on to face-to-face sessions when circumstances change.This will be your decision.
You may live abroad and prefer to work with someone who is physically far away, or because you prefer to work with a UK based therapist for other reasons.
If you are choosing online or telephone counselling, we will schedule an assessment session where we would discuss what you would want to achieve and explore any concerns you might have around this way of working together.
- You would need to think about whether you have a space that is confidential and that you would be happy for me to see.
- You need to be physically comfortable.
- You will need to have fairly reliable internet
If you are choosing online counselling, we would meet via Zoom. I would send you a personal link that is only used for meetings between you and me. (Zoom can be downloaded for free). Zoom allows for a virtual waiting room with me admitting you to the session. This provides a barrier to anyone unauthorised to join/view the session.
We will both agree that sessions will not be recorded and that no third party will be allowed to listen to or observe the session.
Payments for the session have to be made at least 3 days before the session is scheduled. Should a session be disrupted due to technical or internet issues, whole or in part, we will reschedule the session or the payment for the following session will be reduced pro rata if the session had to be terminated early.
Due to laws in different countries, I may not be able accept clients from all countries. Some countries require both therapist and client to be in the same country for online counselling.
Please contact me to discuss your ideas.
£60/h Individuals
£75/h Couples
Contact Me
Contact Me
Sabine Seddon mobile 07502 128586 email sabine.office@gmail.com