Sabine Seddon
Sabine Seddon
Couples Counselling, Psychotherapy, Supervision and Training
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
This policy explains what happens with the information I am keeping about you.
Gaining your consent
When you registering as client with me, I will tell you what the limits of confidentiality are and that it may be necessary to share your information with other services and organisations even of if you do not want me to.
I may need to share information, for example:
- as part of my duty to protect a child, a vulnerable adult, yourself or the public,
- for the assessment of tax
- if I am required to do so by any court or law
- re-accreditation with professional body (statistical data only)
What information do I record?
The information I am keeping about you will include personal and sensitive information, such as:
Personal information (Client Registration)
- first name or given name
- family name or surname
- address
- telephone numbers and email address
- emergency contact and their contact details
- GP details
- Sensitive personal information (Session Notes)
- gender, ethnicity and marital status
- profession
- religious or other cultural beliefs
- physical or mental health condition
- sexuality
- offences (including alleged offences)
- information you are sharing in a session
Session notes are anonymised as far as possible and filenames are coded. Files are encrypted.
Session Notes and client registration are destroyed after a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 4 years.
Financial information
- bank account details
- payment receipts
Financial information is kept for a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 6 years in line with HMRC requirements.
What do I use information for?
I use the information you provide me with in order to
- maintain records
- respond to any enquiries you make
- account for my actions
- meet obligations by my professional body, my insurance company, the HMRC
- protect you and other people
Information security
I recognise that the information you provide is sensitive and I keep information about you confidential. This means I store information securely and control who has access to it. I will not share any information where I am not legally required to do so or in case of an emergency that leaves me unable to contact you.
I will only share such information as necessary, and where I am satisfied that the other person/organisation is entitled to receive it and will keep your information secure.
3 Party Services
I use a service provider to maintain my webpage and several online counselling registers via which you may have contacted me. I also use gmail, a phone network and Zoom for video sessions. These services may keep some information on your viewing their webpages, eg. statistical data, etc.
Please note that emails may not be protected in transit and I advise to keep personal information to a minimum.
Corrections and concerns
If you have concerns about how I am handling your personal information, please contact me and I will try to resolve those concerns. Alternatively, you can contact the ICO.
If you wish to have your personal information deleted, please let me know and I will take reasonable steps to comply with your request within 30 days. If there is a reason why I cannot reasonably oblige with your request I will inform you of the reason as soon as possible.
Your request will have to be in writing and signed and dated.
Data controller
I (Sabine Seddon) am known as the data controller. I am responsible for collecting and processing your personal information. Processing includes the organisation, retrieval, consultation, use and deletion or destruction of information and its disclosure to others.
My registration number is ZA367051 . You can view my registration at the Information Commissioner's website.
If you have difficulty understanding this information or want to ask more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Date: June 2020